4 Months of Hair Growth: Timeline and Tips

Get some insights and tips about hair transplant stages. Track your progress in 4 months of hair growth after successful hair transplant treatment.

4 months of hair growth is an important phase in the hair transplant recovery process. During the 4 months of hair growth process, attention should be paid to both hair length and wounds on the scalp. Otherwise, transition to other phases may be problematic.

hair transplant 4 months of hair growth

The final results of hair transplantation appear in the range of 12-18 months. This process is expressed by various stages. 4 months hair growth is the most important point of the second phase. The reason is that it is the point where newly transplanted hair begins to grow.

4 Months of Hair Growth After Hair Transplant

4 months of hair growth is one of the most important stages for hair transplant treatment. Your hair gradually begins to take shape, but it may appear sparse compared to other stages. Compared to two months of hair growth, you can notice visible progress.

During the 4 months of hair growth phase, you should check the donor area. The donor area must be close to full recovery. For correct evaluation, the hair transplant method applied should be known. Because the wounds on the scalp differ depending on the treatment.

Two months of hair growth alone is not enough for hair transplant. Other stages should be followed carefully. During the transition to the 4 months of hair growth phase, both the wounds on the scalp and the amount of hair growing should be examined.

Another importance of the 4 months of hair growth phase is related to side effects. By now the side effects should be minimized. Hair loss may continue, but it is a natural condition. During the 6 months of hair growth phase, shedding is reduced to a minimum.

how much hair growth you expect in 4 months

How Much Hair Growth Can You Expect In 4 Months?

After 4 months hair transplant enters the shaping phase. You may experience visible hair growth. Even though the transplanted hair starts to grow within the first three months, the fourth month is a very important. Because it is the beginning of the gradual healing process.

You should pay attention to details. 3 months of hair growth is the first process and the fourth month is enter point to the gradual recovery. It is uncertain when the healing process will end. You may experience 6 months hair growth or 7 months hair growth.

How to Maximize Hair Growth After 4 Months?

You can take some steps to improve the results after hair transplant. However, the most important detail you should keep in mind is to adhere to the recommendations offered by the doctor. If you neglect the recommendations, the process will not proceed well.

  • Post Care: You should take your doctor’s recommendations into account. If you neglect the care procedures, you will not be able to get results from hair transplantation. After 4 months hair transplant goes through the healing process as it should.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: You should make an effort to support your overall health after hair transplant. You should consume foods rich in minerals and proteins. You should exercise regularly but always avoid heavy activities.
  • Avoid Smoking: Smoking and alcohol use negatively affect hair growth. You should avoid anything that can damage hair follicles. You have to pay attention not only during the 4 months of hair growth process but also in all other stages.

No matter what stage you are in after hair transplant, you should be patient. After 4 months hair growth increases rapidly. Your hair becomes thicker and better quality. However, periods such as shock loss may make you nervous throughout the process.

hair transplant growth stages

Other Important Stages After Hair Transplant

After hair transplant treatment, the person must go through certain processes. These processes are generally starts with first 3 months. 3-6 months, 6-9 months and 12 months are the other stages. The person needs to prepare himself or herself for the recovery period.

  • 0-3 months: This is the phase where the patient must be conscious. It covers the expectation of two months of hair growth. Despite this, all the hair that grows falls out. After the shock loss, healthier hair begins to grow and this process is quite long.
  • 3-6 months: The most curious phase is the 4 months hair growth process. 4 months of hair growth is the period when new hair begins to grow. Within 6 months after hair transplantation, hair becomes thicker and hair density increases.
  • 6-9 months: It refers to the period that the patient values most. The hair grows sufficiently long. Final results may appear after 6 months of hair growth. The patient can style the hair if he or she adheres to the care procedures.
  • 12 months or later: It refers to the period when the results of hair transplant treatment begin to fully appear. In fact, it is not a period like 4 months of hair growth. Because after 12 months, the person can continue his or her life with the natural hair.

It is important to know that not all stages will proceed as standard after hair transplant treatment. The patient’s current condition and adherence to the care recommendations offered by the doctor affect the processes like 4 months of hair growth stage.

hair transplant 3 months of hair growth

3 Months of Hair Growth After Hair Transplant

3 months of hair growth is the beginning of the healing process of the treatment. The period until the end of the third month represents the moments when you need to be most meticulous. You must protect your hair against many conditions, including infection.

  • Possible Expectations: Before 4 months of hair growth phase, this the most important phase for you. 3 months of hair growth provides the first impressions of whether the treatment works or not. Because new hair emerges from the hair grafts.
  • Care Tips: After hair transplant, you should follow what your doctor told you. It is important for transition to the 4 months of hair growth phase. Especially if you are approved to wash your hair, you should use natural shampoo or baby shampoo.

It is not right to expect significant hair growth in the first three months. After 4 months, the hair transplant gradually shows its effect. First, you complete the 4 months of hair growth phase. Afterwards, observations such as hair growth in 6 months are necessary.

6 Months of Hair Growth After Hair Transplant

After 6 months hair growth shows itself clearly. The transplanted hair forms a solid foundation and new hair begins to grow. The growth rate of hair varies depending on the person’s current health. Still, the intensity is immediately noticeable.

  • Possible Expectations: After 6 months hair growth begins to fully show itself. You may be able to style your hair, but you should not touch the hair transplanted area. Six months of hair growth is still not enough for full recovery.
  • Care Tips: It is good news that your transplanted hair has started to grow. But you need to continue maintenance procedures for healthy hair growth in 6 months. Also, you have to avoid using excessively harsh hair care products as much as possible.

6 months of hair growth does not exactly mean that the healing process is over. It plays an important role in the healing process, especially in the following month. After 7 months, hair growth should continue and problems such as excessive hair loss should not occur.

hair transplant 7 months of hair growth

7 Months of Hair Growth After Hair Transplant

Unlike the six months of hair growth phase, the seventh month is a little different. Patients may experience some hair loss due to shock loss. The hair enters a resting period and 7 months is not considered a sufficient period in terms of permanence of hair growth.

  • Possible Expectations: During this period after hair transplant, you may encounter hair with low density. Approximately 70-80% of the treatment is completed. Compared to hair growth in 6 months, there is a visible improvement of hair coverage.
  • Care Tips: Even if there is a visible increase in your hair, you should continue to be patient. You should stay hydrated, protect your scalp and pay attention to your diet. As in six months of hair growth phase, you have to stick the care recommendations.

After 7 months, hair growth gradually increases. You may notice that your growing hair still looks a little thin. Only your doctor can tell you exactly what stage you are at. You should continue to adhere to your doctor’s hair care tips and recommendations.

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