Crown Hair Transplant: A Simple Guide

Discover the effectiveness of crown hair transplant treatment. Learn all the details with our simple guide before you get fuller hair on crown.

Crown hair transplant is a hair transplantation method preferred for those with hair loss in the crown area of the head. The success rate achieved in the treatment is quite high. If you get service from the right clinic, you do not even have to worry about side effects.

crown hair transplant treatment

Before approving treatment, your health condition must be examined. Your job is to choose the right clinic. Looking at crown hair transplant before and after photos can make your choice easier. It is important that you make the most accurate decision through research.

What is Crown Hair Transplant?

If you have sparse hair in the crown area of your head and your hair continues to decrease, crown hair transplant may be a solution for you. The hair taken from the side areas of your head is transferred to the crown area and the problem you are experiencing is eliminated.

Crown hair transplant requires minimal surgical intervention. The results are permanent and remarkable. Once density is achieved in the crown area, your appearance changes considerably. Using the correct hair transplant technique is important for the success.

Crown hair transplant cost may be higher than other parts of the head. However, the quality of your hair and the amount of hair you lose can change all things. As a health consultant, we can ensure that you benefit from the most affordable price advantage in Turkey.

How Many Grafts Are Required for the Crown Area?

The hair graft amount required for the crown area varies from person to person. Generally, 1000 grafts hair transplant are considered sufficient. However, the approach of the clinic may be very different. For this reason, 1000 grafts hair transplant is not a strict rule.

A good evaluation process is required to decide how much hair graft is needed for hair transplantation. 1000 grafts hair transplant may be an ideal option. However, the most accurate amount must be determined in line with the Hamilton-Norwood scale.

Cost of Crown Hair Transplant

The treatment cost for crown hair transplant is different for each patient. There are many different factors that affect cost. The number of hair grafts needed, the doctor’s experience, the clinic’s treatment standards and much more are taken into account.

Crown hair transplant cost varies depending on the person’s needs. You should have discussed all the details with your doctor before the treatment. If you do not have time to research prices, you can consult us and plan your treatment at affordable costs in Turkey.

crown hair transplant benefits

Pros of Crown Hair Transplant

One of the most important advantages of crown hair transplant treatment is that it restores the lost volume in the crown area. Thanks to this method, natural-looking hair can be obtained. This gives the person a more self-confident appearance.

  • Minimum Downtime: When you choose crown hair transplant, you will experience minimal downtime. You will get through the most sensitive period within a few days. You can start to continue your routine life within a few weeks.
  • Natural Outcomes: You get natural looking hair that adapts to your existing hair. The hair transplanted to the crown area is taken from you. Therefore, the color, texture and thickness can completely match your natural hair.
  • High Success: The success rate of this minimally invasive treatment method is quite high. After the treatment, you enter the recovery period. You can achieve natural looking hair in approximately 12 months.
  • Permanent Results: After your hair is transplanted, you will enter a very short shock loss period. During the shock loss period, your hair will fall out. The hair that will grow after this period is over will be long-lasting, permanent and natural.

When you examine the crown hair transplant before and after photos, you may encounter exciting results. It’s not too difficult to get the results you see. You can get successful results by choosing the right clinic and following the instructions provided by the doctor.

Cons of Crown Hair Transplant

Crown hair transplant is ideal for those who have hair loss problems in the crown area. Even though the success rate of the treatment is high, there are certain disadvantages. The most important disadvantage is the difficulty of determining the donor area for the crown area.

  • Possibility of High Cost: Crown hair transplant can be a very costly procedure. The cost of the treatment varies depending on the level of hair loss. At the same time, the number of hair grafts required must be taken into account.
  • Limited Donor Hair: Some of the Crown hair transplant treatments require a lot of hair. If the amount of hair determined as a donor is very limited, you may not be able to achieve the desired result from the treatment.
  • Risk of Complications: All surgical procedures have risks such as infection, bleeding, scarring, and more. If your treatment is performed by a qualified surgeon, you are less likely to encounter such risks. However, you need to be aware of the complications.
  • Progressive Hair Loss: In crown hair transplant treatment, hair loss occurs gradually. After the shock loss phase, shedding decreases considerably. However, if there is hair loss other than shock loss, additional treatments can be applied.

In addition to all these, the crown area heals slower than other areas. You must be patient after the treatment. You should work with a skilled and experienced surgeon to best evaluate your individual situation. If you contact us, we can help you in the best way possible.

crown hair transplant techniques

Crown Hair Transplant Techniques

Crown hair transplant techniques are about transplanting healthy hair follicles. Three different methods are used for this: FUT, FUE and DHI. However, the FUT technique is now an outdated and does not have the potential to produce results as efficiently as the others.

When deciding on the hair transplant method for the crown area, you should determine exactly what you need. You should consider the pros and cons before deciding on the procedures. If you contact us, we can help you make the best decision.

1. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

FUE technique is a revolutionary step in the field of hair transplantation. This highly advanced technique involves removing hair follicles from the donor area and transferring them to hairless areas. Surgical applications are much less than the outdated FUT method.

FUE treatment is performed with local anesthesia and the patient’s comfort is prioritized. The extracted hair follicles are transferred to the treatment area with great precision. You can choose FUE to achieve fuller hair and achieve this at a slightly more affordable cost.

2. Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)

DHI technique is the most preferred method for crown hair transplant. It is carried out using the latest technologies. It is ideal for providing a natural and permanent method. After treatment, you can quickly continue your life where you left off.

In the DHI technique, hair removed from the donor area is transferred directly to the treatment area. It works flawlessly to ensure natural hair growth. It is more costly than the FUE method. If crown hair transplant cost is not a problem for you, it may be your choice.

Recovery Process After Crown Hair Transplant

In order to achieve the best possible result after crown hair transplant, you need to pay attention to post-treatment care. If the healing process does not proceed smoothly, you will not get the results you expect from the treatment, even if you choose the best doctor.

You should avoid anything tiring after hair transplant on crown area. You should not touch the hair transplanted areas for a certain period of time and keep the area clean. Also, you need to use the prescribed medications on time to reduce pain and provide relief.

Necessary Precautions for Hair Transplant Recovery

After hair transplant treatment, you need to pay attention to certain situations in your life. Your priority should be to protect the treatment area as best as possible. If you want to benefit from the treatment, you should always be careful about necessary precautions.

  • Avoid Hair Products: You should stay away from any hair styling, nourishing or coloring products. You should only use care products approved by your doctor.
  • Avoid Strenuous Activities: You should avoid anything strenuous for a few days after treatment. You should also take a break from smoking and alcohol consumption.
  • Follow Care Instructions: You should adhere to all recommendations made by your doctor. Also, you should be especially careful about using certain medications.
  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: No matter what, you need to protect your head from the sun. Direct sunlight can damage newly developing hair follicles.
  • Plan Healthy Diet: Vitamins and minerals are needed to nourish hair follicles. You should have a diet plan that is low in fat and rich in vitamins and minerals.

For better results inform the clinic before treatment any health problems you have. Follow the care instructions for the hair transplant recovery and hair growth process. You should not forget to be informed about the potential side effects for a successful hair transplant.

crown hair transplant side effects

Potential Side Effects of Crown Hair Transplant

After crown hair transplant treatment, you will need a certain period of time to achieve the results you want. Even though the treatment seems simple, you need to be careful about side effects. You are particularly likely to experience common side effects.

  • Swelling: Swelling appears within the first 7 days after surgery. It usually occurs in the face area. It may be more severe in some people than in others.
  • Scabbing: Scabbing is a natural part of the post-surgical recovery process. It protects the scar tissues formed by hair transplantation and disappears over time.
  • Itching: Itching is part of the healing process and is considered normal. It may also occur due to inflammation. If itching is severe, it should be checked by a doctor.
  • Pain: Pain is a common side effect and is generally indicative of problems with wounds. It can be felt in the area where the hair is transplanted or in the donor area.
  • Numbness: Although drowsiness is a common side effect, it does not occur as frequently as others. It disappears within a few days after surgery.
  • Infection: Infection is not a common side effect, but it is one to be aware of. It occurs when the patient’s resistance decreases and affects the success of the treatment.

You need to closely monitor the side effects that occur after hair transplant on crown. If side effects last longer than necessary, treatment may fail. You should listen to your doctor’s recommendations and also get information about the hair growth timeline.

Hair Growth Timeline for Crown Hair Transplant

You need to understand the hair growth timeline after hair transplant on crown. If you have a good understanding of the timeline, you can better manage your expectations. You need to be conscious about the shock loss that will occur, especially in the first few months.

  • First 3 Months: In the first three months after hair transplant on crown, hair follicles show new development. Your growing hair will fall out within 4 weeks. After the hair falls out, new hair begins to grow slowly.
  • 3 to 6 Months: Hair continues to grow from the fourth month onwards. The hair that grows between 3-6 months will have a fine structure. In some people, they have a curly appearance. If you notice the success of crown hair transplant treatment.
  • 6 to 9 Months: After 6 months, the transplanted hair transitions to its most significant growth phase. New hair grows at the same rate as your natural hair. If the healing process proceeds healthily, hair growth can reach up to 2 centimeters on average.
  • After 12 Months: After 12 months, the transplanted hair becomes fully mature. This period may take up to 18 months. When your hair darkens and reaches its normal texture, you have reached the end of the hair transplant growth timeline.

You need to be patient to get the desired results for hair transplant on crown area. The healing process proceeds completely gradually. Hair growth timeline explains the gradual progress in the best way. As a result, you get natural looking hair.

best crown hair transplant clinic

How to Find Best Crown Hair Transplant Clinic?

If you want to reach the most effective and advanced solutions for crown hair transplant, you need to be treated in the right clinic. Finding the best hair transplant clinic is not easy. Examining crown hair transplant before and after photos is the first step to take.

  • Correct Techniques: The healthcare institution you choose for crown hair transplant must be able to use the correct treatment techniques. You should remember that the FUT method is very old. Your choice should be FUE or DHI techniques.
  • Comprehensive Care: You will need follow-up evaluations after crown hair transplant treatment is completed. You should work with a clinic that will guide you in the best way during the recovery period and continue your research in this direction.
  • Modernized Approach: In order for the crown hair transplant process to proceed smoothly, you must be treated in a clinic that meets modern requirements. Thus, you can achieve a comfortable treatment process with minimal surgery.
  • Detailed Consultancy: The clinic should provide detailed consultancy to evaluate your medical history and expectations. If the clinic’s communication is poor and it is not familiar with the treatment procedures, it would be better to turn to alternatives.
  • Personalized Treatment: The treatment plan created for crown hair transplant should be personalized. Hair transplant on crown area is different from other areas. For natural-looking results, a treatment appropriate to the person’s hair is required.
  • Meticulous Application: Hair grafts required for hair transplantation should be placed very carefully in the crown area. The transplanted hair should blend seamlessly with the existing hair. The clinic must be experienced in this regard.
  • Proven Experience: For Crown hair transplant, you need to get support from experienced healthcare professionals. You should review the comments from previous patients. However, it is important that the clinic can prove its experience.

If you would like to have a crown hair transplant within the scope of health tourism, you can contact us immediately. We can ensure that you benefit from the best hair transplant treatment in Turkey. You do not have to deal with any details before and after treatment.

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