Learn Basics: Liposuction of Belly Fat

Transform your silhouette with effective liposuction of belly fat. Learn the procedure to get rid of fat and support the smoothness of your body.

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that makes it possible to get rid of excess fat. If you cannot get rid of the fat in your abdominal area with diet and exercise, liposuction of belly fat may be a solution for you. It is ideal for getting rid of stubborn fat in the abdominal area.

liposuction of belly fat

Although stomach liposuction is a solution to get rid of excess fat, it is not a method for losing weight. To lose weight, you need a healthy lifestyle with proper diet. With liposuction, you can shape your body by eliminating fat pockets that are considered irregular.

What is liposuction of belly fat?

Liposuction of belly fat is the procedure of choice to shape the abdominal area. In the procedure, a type of tube is inserted into small incisions in the skin. Afterwards, the fat deposits under the skin are sucked with a device and the body is shaped properly.

Belly liposuction targets the area where fat deposits are concentrated. The muscles and tissues underneath the fat areas are shaped. An almost smooth appearance is achieved through body contouring. It does not provide weight loss, but it can eliminate localized fat.

Tummy liposuction technique is for those who want to have a slimmer profile. The procedure is extremely effective in eliminating the uneven appearance. It is the most effective among cosmetic fat removal solutions. However, liposuction of belly fat is not suitable for everyone.

What does liposuction do on the stomach?

Liposuction of the stomach is performed for a specific target. The main goal is to eliminate fat deposits located in the lower part of the belly and on the sides of the body. This way, you can see that you have a balanced body profile when viewed from the front or side.

Liposuction of belly fat is for areas that are resistant to diet and exercise. Skin elasticity is increased but at the same time muscle integrity is preserved. You can now wear all your favorite clothes while approaching your body structure in the most sensitive way.

Liposuction of lower abdomen makes the abdominal area look better. Your self-confidence increases because the curves of your body become more visible. When you develop the right habits in your life, you can completely change your entire silhouette.

What are the types of abdominal liposuction?

Liposuction of the abdomen is a safe aesthetic procedure. Many people want to benefit from the belly fat surgery. Even if the potential results are satisfactory, the ideal type of liposuction must be selected to achieve the best results in abdomen liposuction.

  • Traditional Liposuction: It is known as suction-assisted liposuction. Small incisions are made and the fat cells are loosened and pulled out. The extracted fat cells are collected in a metal tube. It is the most ideal method for removing fat from small areas.
  • Tumescent Liposuction: In tumescent liposuction a saline solution is used. Saline solution numbs the area and reduces any discomfort that may occur. It allows more fat removal in each session compared to other methods for liposuction on the abdomen.
  • Laser-Assisted Liposuction: Laser-assisted liposuction is preferred to destroy fat tissue in a controlled manner. It is the fastest shaping method for lower stomach liposuction. Side effects are slightly less and it is effective on very hard lower abdominal fat.
  • Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction: Ultrasound-assisted liposuction is preferred to break down fat deposits. If the size of the shaping will be high, it is considered the best method for liposuction in the belly. Because it is very efficient in breaking down fats.

Your surgeon should decide which method will be used for liposuction of belly fat. Your body structure, health history, and expectations can influence all decisions. When you want to have tummy liposuction, you should obtain detailed information about all the techniques.

abdominal liposuction candidate

Who should consider liposuction of belly fat?

Liposuction for belly fat is not a suitable treatment method for everyone. Necessary checks must be made before deciding on suitability for treatment. The ideal candidates for liposuction in the belly are people who do not have problems with skin elasticity.

  • Your general health condition may not be sufficient for liposuction. Be sure to give the surgeon sufficient information about your health history. Otherwise, you may encounter unexpected results during the liposuction of the abdomen procedure.
  • Young people get better results from abdomen liposuction. The procedure is considered safe until the age of 60. However, many surgeons want to avoid risks and do not perform liposuction in the stomach on people over the age of 50.
  • Skin elasticity is an important factor for liposuction in the abdomen. If your skin is naturally tight, liposuction of belly fat offers better results. Also, if you have recently lost a lot of weight, it may take a very long time for your body to recover.
  • If you are very insistent on belly fat surgery, you need to pay attention to your ideal weight. If you are far from your ideal weight, your surgeon will not want to perform the liposuction of lower abdomen. Because your body is not very suitable for shaping.

The most suitable candidates for abdominal liposuction are generally people between the ages of 18-60. You should get support from your surgeon for basic requirements. During the consultation, you can clarify whether you are a good candidate for the procedure.

Benefits of liposuction on the abdomen

Liposuction of belly fat is a targeted cosmetic fat removal procedure for a better appearance. It is recommended for people who cannot lose weight with normal methods. Liposuction performed on the abdominal wall and it has many different benefits than fat removal.

  • More proportional body: One of the most important advantages of liposuction on the abdomen is that it can offer a more proportionate body than ever before.
  • Smooth body lines: Thanks to liposuction of the lower abdomen, your body is shaped smoothly. This way, you will have little trouble revealing your body lines.
  • Increased self confidence: After liposuction for lower abdominal fat, your clothes will start to fit you perfectly and your self-confidence may increase.
  • More healthier lifestyle: Since fat will be removed after liposuction of the stomach, you can live a healthier life and pay more attention to healthy nutrition.

Liposuction of belly fat can help you improve abdominal aesthetics. Because you will have more beautiful contours in your belly and hips. With a successful liposuction performed on the abdominal wall, you can look like a model at first glance with your proportionate belly.

step by step liposuction

Step-by-step liposuction of belly fat process

It is possible to achieve a smoother appearance with abdomen liposuction. Because excess fat in the abdominal area is targeted. You may want to learn the process before liposuction of belly fat. Your surgeon will provide you with detailed information on this subject.

  • First, you should consult with the surgeon for stomach liposuction. The surgeon should review your health history and listen to your expectations. If necessary, the surgeon should determine whether you are a suitable candidate for tummy liposuction.
  • Next, the surgeon must determine the procedural details for liposuction in the belly. It is often preferred to perform the operation under general anesthesia. You should stop taking some medications (if any) a few days before the liposuction procedure.
  • When preparations for belly liposuction are completed, anesthesia is applied. Then, multiple small incisions are made below the belly button. The surgeon uses a device such as a vacuum to break down and remove fat deposits in the area.
  • You will not be discharged immediately after abdominal liposuction is completed. Side effects and other conditions are observed. The surgeon may ask you to wear a compression garment. It takes at least 1-1.5 months to recover after belly fat surgery.

Follow-up is very important after completing liposuction in the abdomen. Various massages may be recommended to support the result to be achieved. After 6 months, you can see that your body is taking shape. To achieve the best results, your lifestyle must be healthy.

Risks of liposuction for lower abdominal fat

Even though liposuction on the stomach is an effective method of removing stubborn fat, you should be aware of the risks. Before approving the treatment, you should pay attention to everything your surgeon explains, including skin irregularities and fluid imbalance.

  • Skin irregularities: Even if an experienced surgeon performs your liposuction on the abdomen procedure, it is difficult to remove equal amounts of fat from every area. For this reason, you may face the risk of skin irregularities or contour irregularities.
  • Fluid imbalance: Fluid imbalance may occur while fat is removed during liposuction of the abdomen. A lot of fluid leaves the body. After liposuction on the abdomen, the procedure should be proceeded in a controlled manner to avoid fluid imbalance.
  • Infection potential: As with all surgical procedures, there is the potential for infection for lower stomach liposuction. The technique used reduces the risk as much as possible. You can avoid infection by complying with post-operative care procedures.
  • Side effects: Common risks aside, you may experience some side effects after liposuction in the stomach. Bruising, swelling, numbness, pain and sensitivity are the most common side effects. If you experience any you should let your surgeon know.

If you have any concerns about lower stomach liposuction, you should definitely ask your surgeon for information. Risks, complications and side effects may confuse you. Even if liposuction in the abdomen is successful, you must strictly follow the post-operative care.

How to minimize risk in liposuction of belly fat?

If you are hesitant about liposuction of belly fat, this may be due to potential risks. It is up to you to minimize potential risks. If you take the right steps, you will have little trouble with the liposuction for lower abdominal fat. The first step should be to choose the right surgeon.

  • Choose a surgeon who is competent for liposuction of the stomach. Your surgeon’s level of expertise and experience is important to the success of the treatment.
  • Be sure to inform your surgeon about your health history. Make sure everything is evaluated in the best possible way before liposuction of belly fat surgery.
  • For successful liposuction results, you should pay attention to all pre-operative instructions. It is important that you enter the surgery as healthy as possible.
  • Get the best understanding of the liposuction procedure on the abdominal wall. Do not agree to have surgery performed without fully understanding the procedure.
  • Follow all the instructions you need to follow after liposuction for lower abdominal fat. Try to support your health as best you can during the recovery process.
  • Never make a hasty decision for liposuction of belly fat. In order to experience the best liposuction result, you should continue to look for the most reliable surgeons.
  • You should avoid heavy exercises and strenuous activities after liposuction in the stomach unless your surgeon says something different.

If you want to get successful liposuction results, you should pay attention to the consultation stage. You should discuss everything during the consultation with your surgeon. If you are a conscious patient, you can get the results you want from liposuction of belly fat surgery.

recovery after tummy liposuction

Recovery after liposuction of belly fat

Liposuction of belly fat may be an important choice for body contouring. As a patient, your expectations from stomach liposuction treatment should be realistic. After the operation, your body needs to heal and you may experience side effects during this period.

Do not forget to rest after belly liposuction is completed. You should avoid anything that could be tiring for the first few days. Use extra pillows for comfort and ask family members for help when moving. If necessary, use a pain reliever recommended by your surgeon.

After localized fat is removed, there may be swelling in the area. It may continue for 1-1.5 months. Do not neglect care during this period. A period of 4-6 months will be required after the swelling disappears. You can see the results of liposuction of belly fat after 6 months.

If you want to best support the healing process after liposuction of belly fat, you should make changes in your lifestyle. By making healthy choices in your life, you can eliminate unwanted fat from being a problem and maintain a fit lifestyle with your new body lines.

FAQ for liposuction of belly fat

Is liposuction of belly fat a permanent solution?

Liposuction can effectively remove fat, but it is necessary to understand the limits well. Liposuction of belly fat is a good choice when local fat deposits cannot be reduced with diet and exercise. However, for full effect, a healthy lifestyle must be followed.

The most ideal candidates for liposuction of belly fat are those who are close to a healthy weight. When localized fat is eliminated, care should be taken for post-surgery care. Following a balanced low-calorie diet is critical to the longevity and success of treatment.

Can liposuction be combined with other procedures?

Yes, liposuction can be combined with other cosmetic surgery procedures for body contouring results. Comprehensive results are achieved if liposuction is combined with tummy tuck. It can also be performed together with breast lift, face lift and arm lift.

If the person has different goals other than cosmetic fat removal, a combination can be made. It should not be forgotten that liposuction of belly fat expectations should be managed well and an experienced surgeon should be preferred for abdominal liposuction.

What are the side effects of liposuction of belly fat?

As with all surgical procedures, liposuction of belly fat has various side effects and risks. You may experience some side effects as your body continues to heal. Liposuction on the stomach side effects include bruising, swelling, pain and numbness.

Liposuction of belly fat may have more serious side effects. There are some risks, such as infection and blood clots. It is important that the liposuction on the stomach operation be performed in the right clinic and by the right surgeon to minimize concerns.

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